Part One - The Inner Twin Flame and Light Body

Learn how to take yourself from someone who watches others to mastering your new Light Body and connecting deeply to your True Love. Learn about the newness of the Twin Flame Body (Light Body), the Proper way to clear, for 5D. Learn how to balance both initial levels of living.

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I am Patricia McNeilly, I am Master Healer and Director of Development at Twin Flame Reconnection® I Heal and teach about Ascension & I am the Creator of the Twin Flame Body® method of Integrative Twin Flame Healing. I am a Multidimensional Healer and Twin Flame Ascension Expert.

My Journey began at the age of 2 having a type of awakening as I walked around my neighborhood. I was completely without fear and had a sense of being "from somewhere".....and indeed I am. I have always been aware of the nuances of subtle energies, and additional gifts I have had, I had clairsentience at an early age. I have all the "clairs" in addition to multidimensional gifts. My next awakening was at age 6 then at 11 and again at 17 and 19. It just kept on going...21,25 29. I mistakenly beleived that everyone had these experiences and come to find out, they do not and I am here to help !

Thank you Patricia!

"I just got finished with "Catching your light body; sealing the gates of the heart". The light codes in the webinar were very strong and much needed. I was about a third of the way into the webinar and had to fall into a deep sleep (in the middle of the day)! It was a SUPER CLEANSE for me and stimulating for my channels!


Thank you so much for all of the energy, work and love that your pour into helping us learn and stay awake here in these magnificent and sometimes trying times of this age of collapsing cycles of time. You make things less confusing and more enjoyable. Thank you for the love. You remind me of my teacher Leah/Krista. Oh and thank you for the personal email for subscribing.
James DJr

Awesome, thank you so much, Patricia! In 1996 I met someone that befriended & tutored me off and on thru 2008. She was an sensitive/energy adept. Been chewing on, learning/teaching all that information for 20 years now. You remind me of her. The blue flame Andromeda titled vids caught my eye today. I found your videos in January I think. And knew I needed to pay more attention to the things you are saying in your healing, transition, ascension, and body and love work that you do. I absolutely agree wholeheartedly with everything you are saying. It is very important work

Irene D. Iowa USA